Saturday 28 January 2012

Major challenge ahead

This year, I'm undertaking the major challenge of reading War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy.  I've had my copy for too many years, afraid to actually open it and flip through its pages, lest I lose courage... But then, I was determined:  I had to read it!  Thankfully, there are many bloggers out there providing very useful tips as to how to conquer such a beast, and I will be following the War and Peace readalong, hosted by a Room of one's own, one chapter a day...  Given that there are apparently 365 chapters, this would mean an epic exercise of one whole year...  
My 1949 treasured copy

I fully agree with Margaret from
Where I'm supposed to be:

"...I acknowledged (that) War and 
Peace takes discipline to begin, 
unlike murder mysteries, but, 
once begun, offers refreshment 
and stimulation and a sense of--
"wow, I did it.""

The initial intention is 2 chapters per day during the week, and 3 during the weekend -- almost 6 months of continuous reading!
Wish me luck!!!


  1. Very best of luck, Patty! I'm glad you'll be joining us. It's a very good book and surprisingly accessible so far, so I have a feeling you'll like it. Enjoy!

  2. Good luck !! I read it in my youth and once was enough for me.

  3. As you know I've started this month. I'm reading the English Gutenberg translation together with a Portuguese friend and every month we exchange views through a Goodreads Group.

    We've assigned a set of chapters for each month, but we are enjoying it so much that we decided to speed up the schedule and make it every 2 weeks. Yes, we are really enjoying it! Maybe we're too enthusiastic (these are early days after all), but I hope it stays this good.

    If you need someone to discuss it with, you know my email/phone :)

  4. I got around to reading War and Peace last year after having the book for over 30 years. I ended up enjoying it and what a sense of achievement at the end of it! My copy is a really old one too, with a good map.




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